- rapport PDF personnalisé par couriel -
What information will be revealed?
✓ Your Soul group of origination (Planetary System) - The soul group of origination is one of the cornerstones of a soul profile, because it determines how you see and perceive the world around you, how you approach all areas of your life, and how you manifest in the physical world.
✓ Your Archangelic Realm of training –your purpose on Earth
✓ Your primary and secondary lessons and what percentage of them did you achieve – you’ll understand why you attract repetitive patterns in your life
✓ Your Soul Training – your soul specialization, it is about the spiritual wisdom that you carry deep in your soul
✓ Your Soul’s Special Gifts - It is about the gift of your soul that flows naturally, powerfully and without effort.
✓ Vows
✓ The number of lifetimes on Earth incarnation
✓ The periods in history that you’ve incarnated
✓ The spiritual traditions/religions that you have participated in
✓ Your roles you’ve repeatedly played in your past lives.
✓ Your intuitive gifts
✓ Secondary Godspark - Some souls are gifted with a secondary Godspark in order to fulfill their soul’s purpose
Who am I?
As a talented Akashic Records reader with over 700 readings, I bring a wealth of experience and expertise to residents of Hamilton, ON. My gift for accessing the Akashic Records and my extensive training in the field sets me apart from others and allows me to provide deep, transformative readings to those seeking guidance and insight.
My gift requires dedication and practice to hone and refine. My training in the field has equipped me with the knowledge and skills to interpret the information I receive during a reading, providing my clients a powerful report detailing all the insights and guidance from your Akashic Records.
Read more about me.
How it works?
To receive your personalized Akashic Records reading, you don't have to come in my Hamilton, ON location. I ask that you first fill out a form with your personal information: full name at birth, date of birth, place of birth, email, phone, and a recent photo of yourself (make sure you have it ready to upload). Once the form is submitted, you will be prompted to proceed with payment. After I receive your payment and form, I will begin preparing your reading.
My Akashic Records reading typically range from 30-40 pages and is delivered in PDF report via email within 7 days.
Please note that all information shared during the reading will be kept strictly confidential. My goal is to provide you with the most accurate and insightful reading possible, so please ensure that all information provided in the client form is accurate and complete.
Please note!
✓ By ordering a reading from me, you consent to me accessing and reading your Akashic Records. Please understand that this is a deeply personal and spiritual experience, and I take the responsibility of accessing your Records very seriously. I will keep all information confidential and only share what I believe is necessary to support your journey.
✓ Please also note that I only offer readings to individuals who are at least 18 years old. If you are under 18, please do not order a reading.
✓ Finally, please be aware that I do not offer third-party readings. The Akashic Records are a deeply personal experience, and it is important that the person seeking the reading is the one who is directly involved in the process. Thank you for your understanding.
Welcome to our Akashic Records Reading service for residents of Hamilton, ON! I understand that living in this bustling metropolis can be both exhilarating and challenging, and that's why I'm here to offer you a transformative experience that can help you gain insight into your life and unlock your true potential.
I am highly skilled and experienced reader and I am dedicated to helping residents of Hamilton, ON can gain a deeper understanding of your life purpose, relationships, and spiritual journey, all from the comfort of your home or office.
At my Akashic Records reading service for residents of Hamilton, ON, I use a variety of techniques and tools to access the Akashic Records, including meditation, visualization, and intuition. I am highly skilled at navigating the records and I can help you identify any blocks or challenges that may be holding you back from living your best life.
Living in Hamilton, ON can be fast-paced and stressful, and that's why it's important to take a moment to slow down and reflect on your life. My Akashic Records reading service is the perfect way to gain insight into your life while living in this dynamic city. With my Akashic Records reading PDF report, you can gain clarity and perspective on your life and unlock your true potential.
If you're a resident of Hamilton, ON and you're ready to unlock, buy an Akashic Records reading today to get your personalized PDF report via email. I am here to help you on your spiritual journey and guide you towards a more fulfilling and purposeful life in this exciting city.
I had Claudia read my Akashic Record after a recommendation from a friend. I did not really know what exactly to expect from it, but what Claudia delivered truly blew me away. This is the best gift I have gotten for myself... probably ever- I needed this. I feel seen and understood by Claudia and truly appreciate the work and intention she put into the reading. I would recommend Claudia to anyone!
Lauren Hutcheson
Claudia's reading of my Akashic Records was profoundly moving, and much more than I expected! It confirmed long-held suspicions and validated many life experiences for me. So many "aha!" moments! Thanks to her wonderful, extremely accurate and thought-provoking insights, I've gained much needed clarity and inspiration to continue my journey, and a deep sense of purpose. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!
Melanie D.
J'ai souhaité avoir une lecture de mes annales Akashiques, suite à un profond changement ressenti depuis un peu plus d'un an.
Les 40 pages de lectures ont juste été bluffantes et criantes de vérités.
Je me suis reconnue trait pour trait dans l'intégralité des pages.
C'est un travail magnifique qui a été fait par Claudia.
Je la recommande chaudement si l'on cherche des réponses.
Encore un grand merci Claudia, je peux maintenant continuer mon chemin....
Wow Claudia,
Thank you so much. that was so accurate as I have experienced so many things that resonated in that. In fact, one crazy detail is about the Vikings and Odin and freya because in the last two months I’ve gotten 3 Viking related tattoos and have been really drawn to the Viking culture and then you said so many ties to it. I also am very into Astro photography
So many things lined up. I’m in the beginning of a major spiritual awakening so having so much clarity is so helpful. You have an amazing gift. Thank you for your time. It was very appreciated. Even my family read this and we’re just blown away by so many accurate statements. My kids have been telling me I’m an alien for years so they got a kick out of the nihal portion. Have a blessed evening my friend.
Brheanna Riley
Claudia has helped immensely with the Akashic records report. A few things really hit home for me. The insights that Claudia shared have been very helpful in understanding myself. Everything happening in this lifetime makes a lot more sense.
Dear Claudia,
Thank you so much for your excellent work and for sending my reading report before the expected day.
Holy Molly! The report is so accurate; you nailed about 120% or more, making me laugh and cry.
To let you know some very accurate details:
- I am a licensed Alberta Teacher here in Calgary and was a teacher in Colombia too.
- I love learning, and if I can get paid for learning, believe me, Claudia, I will be wealthy.
- People always called me for advice when they feel down, to clarify thoughts, or to get a bust of energy =) Why? Now I know. Thank you, Claudia.
- I am always placed in schools or classrooms with a lot of chaos. I also encounter people that are in a mess. Then, I do my magic, and everything at the end gets organized.
- I am in love with aesthetics, beauty, and art. People even say it is vanity, but I don't feel it that way; I like harmony and balance within aesthetics, clothes, music, and art. It looks and feels appealing to the human eye and ears.
- Back in Colombia, I wrote a lot to the point that some teachers thought I was cheating or getting ideas from other authors, but not. I just enjoyed writing, and I get very meticulous about it. Here at the University of Calgary, my professors used some of my writings as samples for other students from the Faculty of Education, and my professors highly recommend I pursue a master's in Ed. to move to a Phd because of my writing.
- Regarding an overview of my past lives: Ancient Egypt, I knew it! I knew it! I just knew it. =))
Thank you so much for providing information about my group of origin; It clarifies things. It helped me understand myself and put the pieces of my life puzzle together. It feels like a release. uffffff. It also feels like I finally belong.
I cannot describe how happy, enlight, and less confused I feel after this report, Claudia. Thank you for making my spiritual journey less scary and more enjoyable.
Regards and much Love
Mes guides spirituels m'avaient fortement conseillé de consulter mes annales akashiques. Je me suis donc tournée vers Claudia, en qui j'ai une grande confiance, et je ne fus pas déçue. Cette lecture m'a beaucoup appris sur moi-même, m'a aussi confirmé des choses que je savais et m'a éclairée sur le tournant que je veux donner à ma vie. Mille merci, chère Claudia, d'avoir su me transmettre toutes ces informations de façon claire et concise, de manière à ce que je comprenne, et avec beaucoup de respect et de positivité.