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Votre mission d'âme.

Votre spécialisation d'âme.

Vos leçons de vie.

Vos Vies Passées.


Claudia Secoban

Lectrice des Archives Akashique

- rapport PDF personnalisé par couriel -



What information will be revealed?

Your Soul group of origination (Planetary System) -  The soul group of origination is one of the cornerstones of a soul profile, because it determines how you see and perceive the world around you, how you approach all areas of your life, and how you manifest in the physical world.
✓ Your Archangelic Realm of training –your purpose on Earth
Your primary and secondary lessons and what percentage of them did you achieve – you’ll understand why you attract repetitive patterns in your life
Your Soul Training – your soul specialization, it is about the spiritual wisdom that you carry deep in your soul
Your Soul’s Special Gifts - It is about the gift of your soul that flows naturally, powerfully and without effort.
The number of lifetimes on Earth incarnation
The periods in history that you’ve incarnated
The spiritual traditions/religions that you have participated in
Your roles you’ve repeatedly played in your past lives.
Your intuitive gifts
Secondary Godspark - Some souls are gifted with a secondary Godspark in order to fulfill their soul’s purpose

Who am I?

As a talented Akashic Records reader with over 700 readings, I bring a wealth of experience and expertise to residents of Toronto, Ontario. My gift for accessing the Akashic Records and my extensive training in the field sets me apart from others and allows me to provide deep, transformative readings to those seeking guidance and insight.
My gift requires dedication and practice to hone and refine. My training in the field has equipped me with the knowledge and skills to interpret the information I receive during a reading, providing my clients a powerful report detailing all the insights and guidance from your Akashic Records.

Read more about me.


How it works?

To receive your personalized Akashic Records reading, you don't have to come in my Toronto, ON location. I ask that you first fill out a form with your personal information: full name at birth, date of birth, place of birth, email, phone, and a recent photo of yourself (make sure you have it ready to upload). Once the form is submitted, you will be prompted to proceed with payment. After I receive your payment and form, I will begin preparing your reading.
My Akashic Records reading typically range from 30-40 pages and is delivered in PDF report via email within 7 days.
Please note that all information shared during the reading will be kept strictly confidential. My goal is to provide you with the most accurate and insightful reading possible, so please ensure that all information provided in the client form is accurate and complete. 

Please note!

 By ordering a reading from me, you consent to me accessing and reading your Akashic Records. Please understand that this is a deeply personal and spiritual experience, and I take the responsibility of accessing your Records very seriously. I will keep all information confidential and only share what I believe is necessary to support your journey.
 Please also note that I only offer readings to individuals who are at least 18 years old. If you are under 18, please do not order a reading.
 Finally, please be aware that I do not offer third-party readings. The Akashic Records are a deeply personal experience, and it is important that the person seeking the reading is the one who is directly involved in the process. Thank you for your understanding.


Qu'est-ce qui fait que la lecture des Annales Akashiques vaut la peine d'être achetée ?

Obtenez un Aperçu du
Voyage de Votre Âme

On dit que les Annales Akashiques contiennent des informations sur le voyage de votre âme à travers les vies. En accédant à vos archives, vous pouvez obtenir des informations précieuses sur votre objectif de vie, vos contrats d'âme et vos schémas karmiques. Cela peut vous aider à prendre des décisions plus éclairées et à vivre une vie plus épanouissante.

Explorez le potentiel des Akashic Records grâce à mes excellents rapports PDF personnalisés, qui s'étendent sur 20 à 30 pages et sont adaptés à vos besoins spécifiques.
Welcome to our Akashic Records Reading service for residents of Toronto, ON! I understand that living in this bustling metropolis can be both exhilarating and challenging, and that's why I'm here to offer you a transformative experience that can help you gain insight into your life and unlock your true potential.
I am highly skilled and experienced reader and I am dedicated to helping residents of Toronto, ON can gain a deeper understanding of your life purpose, relationships, and spiritual journey, all from the comfort of your home or office.
At my Akashic Records reading service for residents of Toronto, ON, I use a variety of techniques and tools to access the Akashic Records, including meditation, visualization, and intuition. I am highly skilled at navigating the records and I can help you identify any blocks or challenges that may be holding you back from living your best life.
Living in Toronto, ON can be fast-paced and stressful, and that's why it's important to take a moment to slow down and reflect on your life. My Akashic Records reading service is the perfect way to gain insight into your life while living in this dynamic city. With my Akashic Records reading PDF report, you can gain clarity and perspective on your life and unlock your true potential.
If you're a resident of Toronto, ON and you're ready to unlock, buy an Akashic Records reading today to get your personalized PDF report via email. I am here to help you on your spiritual journey and guide you towards a more fulfilling and purposeful life in this exciting city.
la note moyenne est 5 sur 5

Definitely a great experience, i am glad i got my reading done by claudia , everything was in a great detail. 😀

la note moyenne est 5 sur 5

La lecture de mes archives akashiques de la part de Claudia m'a beaucoup impressionnée autant de par sa justesse que par sa profondeur. Je me reconnaissais profondément autant dans la description que dans les buts de cette vie sur terre. Également le passage parlant de la «Carrière» entre deux vies m'a beaucoup impressionné. Pour toutes les personnes curieuses d'en savoir davantage sur ce qu’elles sont , je recommande fortement cette lecture rédigée avec amour et respect!

la note moyenne est 5 sur 5

The reading that Claudia gave me was amazing, right on point. All of the information resonated with my spirit. She also brought out additional points from the records that certainly made a profound impact. I would recommend a reading from Claudia, this young lady is gifted. Many Blessings to her!

Dr. Ann Squires
la note moyenne est 5 sur 5

Claudia's reading of my Akashic records truly touched my heart. For many years I wondered about my soul's history and how it affects me now. Her reading gave me pages of validation and brought to light my true soul purpose. So many things about me and my journey in this lifetime make sense now. I have a feeling this is just the beginning of new revelations along this spiritual journey. Thank you, Claudia.

la note moyenne est 5 sur 5

Je voulais vous remercier du fond du coeur pour ce beau cadeau de vie que vous nous offrez.
C'est d une justesse impressionnante et cela m' aide dans ma vie,
Merci et je vous conseils a tous de faire appel et Claudia et vivre l'expérience que je me suis offerte.
Bien a vous et plein d amour

Veronique Gobin
la note moyenne est 5 sur 5

J'étais sceptique, au début, je dois avouer.
J'ai demandé la lecture sans grandes attentes, et j'ai été soufflée par l'exactitude des informations que Claudia m'a fournies. J'ai conseillé à mon conjoint de faire faire sa lecture également, et les informations ont résonné autant pour lui que pour moi.
J'ai recommandé à plusieurs amies de se faire faire une lecture, car ce que Claudia nous dévoile sur nos missions, nos vies passées, nos formations d'âmes et autre nous en apprend beaucoup sur qui nous sommes aujourd'hui et répond à des questions ou confirme des choses au moment où on en a besoin.
Il faut vous faire ce cadeau de demander une lecture à Claudia, ça ne pourra que vous aider dans votre cheminement, pour cette vie et les suivantes.

la note moyenne est 5 sur 5

Dear Claudia, Thank you kindly for your reading! It has filled me with joy, and a deep sense of recognition. There is so much to unpack and reflect on, so many layers of meaning yet to unlock! Thank you once again!

Ioana T. Gales
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