- Over 1200 Reiki Practitioners -
- Over 160 Reiki Masters -
- 35 Reiki Teachers -
in our INFINITE KI community of healers!!!
You have found the perfect path to your New Career, New Life, and a New You!
Centre de formation Reiki Vancouver pour les personnes vivant à Vancouver, en Colombie-Britannique. Nous offrons des cours de Reiki certifiés en ligne pour les résidents de Vancouver. Cours de Reiki en ligne avec un grand maître. Zoomez les sessions en direct. Apprenez le Reiki depuis chez vous. Académie holistique en ligne de Vancouver Reiki. École de Reiki pour les résidents de Vancouver . Vancouver abrite une variété de centres professionnels/techniques, de collèges et d'universités. Apprendre le Reiki et pratiquer Reiki à Vancouver.
in Vancouver BC
Reiki is taught in 3 degrees followed by a Master/Teacher training program. Your course investment includes a student PDF manual and CERTIFICATE.
100% Grand Master Reiki - led course

For all who feel called. No prior experience or training is necessary.
Reiki History ♦ Reiki Principles ♦ Code of ethics ♦ Chakras ♦ The five layers of subtle body energy ♦ Level 1 Attunement ♦ Hand positions ♦ Self-therapy and client therapy ♦ Positive thoughts ♦ Practice receiving and giving full Reiki session to each other ♦
5 hours
ZOOM online virtual course with live Instructor
You will be provided by email a PDF manual (one day before the course) and a Certificate upon completion.
You will be provided with lifetime access and support through our Facebook page INFINITE KI.
Pre-requisites: Reiki Level 1.
Reiki symbols: Cho-Ku-Rei, Sei-He-Ki, Hon-Sha-Ze-Sho-Nen ♦ Distant reiki symbol and distant healing techniques ♦ Remove bad emotions ♦ Positive thoughts ♦ Attunement Level 2 ♦ Practice receiving and giving full Reiki session to each other ♦
4 hours
ZOOM online virtual course with live Instructor
You will be provided by email a PDF manual (one day before the course) and a Certificate upon completion.
You will be provided with lifetime access and support through our Facebook page INFINITE KI.
Pre-requisites: Reiki Level 2.
Usui Reiki Master symbol, Dai Koo Mio ♦ Tibetan Master symbol ♦ Energy surgery ♦ Using pendulum for chakras balance ♦ Learn how to set up and ACTIVATE A Reiki Crystal Grid ♦ Learn how to use crystals with Reiki ♦ Learning to give reiki to an animal ♦ Attunement Level 3 ♦ Practice receiving and giving full reiki session to each other ♦
5 hours
ZOOM online virtual course with live Instructor
You will be provided by email a PDF manual (one day before the course) and a Certificate upon completion.
You will be provided with lifetime access and support through our Facebook page INFINITE KI.
Pre-requisites: Reiki Level 3.
Learning how to attune others for Level 1, 2, 3 ♦ Special breath technique used for the initiations, the violet breath ♦ Additional 2 symbols that are used in the initiation process and sealing the therapy ♦ Practice attunement process ♦
5 hours
ZOOM online virtual course with live Instructor
You will be provided by email a PDF manual (one day before the course) and a Certificate upon completion.
You will be provided with lifetime access and support through our Facebook page INFINITE KI.

Universal Life Force Energy
Reiki (pronounced Ray Key) is a combination of two Japanese words, Rei and Ki meaning "Universal Life Force Energy". Reiki is an ancient laying-on of hands healing technique that uses the life force energy to heal, balancing the subtle energies within our bodies.
Reiki addresses physical, emotional, mental and spiritual imbalances.
Reiki is a natural and gentle method of spiritual healing and self-improvement.

Since its beginning in Japan, Reiki has been adapted across varying cultural traditions. A Reiki session will bring calm, peace and a feeling of rejuvenation and well-being. The Reiki Energy will help to unleash unresolved emotional stresses and traumas and help the client deal with those unresolved issues. Reiki energy is gentle and non-invasive and supports traditional medical treatments. Reiki is a natural and gentle method of spiritual healing and self-improvement.
Energetic healing is a method of healing that works with the subtle energy systems of the body with the goal of moving towards balanced and optimal mental, physical and spiritual wellbeing. The human body is a complete energy system in tune with the Universe. An imbalance in the body would create obstruction in the flow of energy, and vice versa. Energy healing aims to create a homeostatic equilibrium in the body by ensuring that the energy flows properly. Energy Healing involves the skills and intuition of a highly attuned and trained practitioner, skilled in working with the human energy field. Energy healing is a detailed, intricate and precise advanced form of healing, which uses a variety of several different high-vibrational frequencies and techniques, compared to only using Reiki.

- Stress and Depression Reduction, resulting relaxed mind and emotions
- Helps to release deep levels of Bi-polar symptoms
- Helps to promote alleviate pain relate to cancer
- Helps eliminate Insomnia
- Strengthening the immune system
- Increase Intuitive Awareness
- Acceleration of Spiritual Growth
- Chakras Balancing, Kundalini channel unblocking
- Alleviates Pre-Surgery Anxiety
- Post-Surgery Pain Relief
- Harmonize Mind, Body, and Emotions
- Enhancement of medical treatment and pain relief
- Assistance in healing of all ailments
- Helps to Fully Release the Past Traumatic Emotions
- Helps to abandon the behavior of ADHD, ADD and OCD
- Helps to have more balance Concern for Future, no worries...
- Brings one Awareness for a Peaceful Present
- Alleviates suffering from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia

- Reiki needs no pre-conditioning to be received
- All ages: Toddler, children, teenager, adult, elderly and pregnant
- No invasive, not body manipulation
- No need to have a specific belief
- All types of patients, even with severe body immobilization
- Patients are kept fully clothed
- Can be applied seating down, laying on massage table or bed

During a session, the client stays fully dressed, removing only large pieces of jewelry and shoes. Benefits from a treatment may include Relaxation, Deep Peace, Relief from Discomfort, and Spiritual Insight.
During a traditional Reiki session, the client lays comfortably on a table while remaining fully clothed. Practitioners work by placing their hands on the client’s body and in their Human Energy Field. Reiki Practitioners offer the life supporting Reiki energy through a series of hand placements that correspond to the endocrine system, major organs, and energy centers. While each session is unique to the client and their presenting needs, most report feeling a sense of warmth, coolness or tingling at the site being treated that leaves them feeling peaceful, relaxed and refreshed and with a greater clarity of mind.

After a session, clients may feel a number of ways. They may be refreshed, relaxed, and recharged. You may have some Spiritual Insight. Some may also feel the need to Ground. After a session, please do NOT drive until you Grounded. Please drink plenty of water after your session as this helps to flush out toxins. While Reiki may assist with healing and is used worldwide as a form of complementary medicine, it is not a replacement for medical care.

Does distance Energy Reiki initiation (attunement) work?
As we know, there is a heated controversy about practicing distance initiations. And how any controversy is based on words, we propose to start this debate purely theoretically from the point of view of the lexicon, after which we will present the whole aspect from a practical point of view.
In that question, the word “Distance” is the first one that creates divergences.
According to the definition of the English Oxford dictionary: distance means "an amount of space between two things or people".
Another word that raises questions in the sentence is: “Energy”.
Metaphysically speaking, we now know that energy is everywhere. Albert Einstein said "everything is energy".
Next word that raises questions is: “Reiki”.
What is Reiki? Hundreds of books and thousands of articles were written over time can answer this question. It is not our main topic at the moment. But to conclude and extract the essence from all the writings: Reiki means "The Universal Life Energy”.
And the fourth word that begs the question is "Initiation".
Also according to the Oxford English dictionary, the definition of “initiation” would be "the act of introducing somebody to an activity or skill, often with a special ceremony".
Regarding the act itself in Reiki practice, we all agree that the Initiation takes place in a sacred ceremony in order to open the main energy channel so that you can channel energy more efficiently.
Correlating all the definitions, everything starts to make sense, but the distance part still remains misunderstood.
As a last resort, now is the time to explain if there is at least the concept of sending Reiki Healing Energy at a distance (remote) in Reiki practice?
The answer is YES. Thousands and thousands of Reiki practitioners around the world practice and send Reiki remotely successfully, more precisely, with great accomplishment. The feedback received prove, without any doubt, that the energy has reached its destination, that it has been received, felt and that it’s working for the person’s higher good. Not only do Reiki practitioners know, but also those who receive energy, that distance (remote) Reiki treatment sessions work just as well as in-person Reiki treatment sessions.
How does this happen, how is it possible? Well, this is a practice that is learned in Level 2, but in short, a Reiki practitioner, before sending remote Reiki in a session, activates the Distance Symbol to transcend the time and distance (space) between him and the recipient.
In other words, a Reiki practitioner has in his hands the power of this symbol, governed by the distinct energy it carries, to traverse the physical and limiting space (which we know, as human beings) and to "enter" the energy field of the recipient.
So it’s the same concept with Reiki Initiations (attunements).
Whether practiced virtually or in person, an Initiation to Reiki Energy is just as beneficial and powerful, regardless of the method chosen.
Reiki energy is transmitted from the Reiki Teacher to the student at the energetic level, not at the physical level, whether the student is right in front of the teacher or at the other end of the world.
Another aspect is the intention. It is not to be neglected in the whole initiation process, as in all works with energy in a metaphysical plane, whether in person or virtually, there is the intention of the teacher to initiate the student in Reiki and the intention of the student to be open to receiving Reiki.

How do Reiki initiations take place at the Infinite Ki Holistic School?
From the beginning, we want to specify that the initiations are performed live, individually and fully interactive.
The other forms of distant initiation are not the subject of this debate. (Such as: distant initiation using a chi ball energy, initiation of an entire group at once or pre-recorded distant initiation.)
Before starting the initiation with each student, the teacher will explain to each student the procedure to follow during the initiation ceremony.
Throughout the ceremony, while the teacher will proceed with the initiation through the energetic field, the student will listen a soft relaxation music that aims to relax the student to connect more easily to the Higher Self. The process will take about 15 minutes for every student. At the end, the students are asked if they want to share some of their emotions, if they have questions, or simply need a moment of silence to return at their peace to the physical world.
At the "Infinite Ki" Holistic School, Reiki classes are kept in small numbers, no more than 6 attendants, precisely to facilitate that "human touch" that some voices claim would be lost through live online schooling.
The feedback received, the shared experiences, the emotions felt, sometimes overwhelming, the sensations described, all this testify to the fact that these initiations, described and performed in this way, without any doubt, are as strong as those in person.

Who else practices the transmission of Reiki at a distance, as initiation and as teachings?
With the advent of Covid-19 pandemic, all of humanity is going through unprecedented situations. More and more master Reiki teachers have started teaching online.
We deeply believe that this openness is exactly what humanity needed now, in these times of great turmoil. More and more people are open to experience holistic therapies and open to new horizons of spirituality. Mankind is now going through an enormous spiritual opening.
To close the door to such a beneficial, pure, bright energy, full of unconditional love, would have been a huge mistake.
However, we would like to quote an illustrious Reiki Master who has opened up to this current of online transmission of Reiki energy:
- William Lee Rand - founder of the largest Reiki group in the world: "The International Center for Reiki Training" and the founder of Holy Fire (R) Reiki.

What are the benefits of a virtual live Reiki initiation?
The first thing that comes to mind is of course the easy accessibility to training. No matter how far you are located, or how inaccessible it is to physically travel to the nearest Reiki Center, the access to our live classes is easy for you. All you need is an internet connection, a phone or a computer and also a burning desire to start with the first step on the path of Reiki.

And yet, is there no downside?
Well, that would be a downside. We, as reiki practitioners, like to hug a lot: when we meet, when we say Goodbye or after an initiation. Hugs represent that "human touch" that some claim is missing during a virtual teaching.
But we still embrace and hug, but virtually, even more in the energetic space. 😊

Équilibrez votre esprit. Suivez votre chemin de vie. Guérissez-vous. Cours de Vancouver : Reïki Auto-guérison. Le Reiki est facile à apprendre et à pratiquer, quel que soit votre âge, vos antécédents personnels ou professionnels - tout le monde peut apprendre à utiliser le Reiki pour rétablir l'équilibre et apporter un plus grand sentiment de bien-être dans sa vie et dans la vie des autres. Vous serez si heureux d'avoir appris - tout comme votre famille et votre communauté ! Tout est question d'équilibre.